
History Of Ticket da457db6c5740d4d3922b546f03b39079de29908

Artifacts Associated With Ticket da457db6c5740d4d3922b546f03b39079de29908

  1. Ticket change [4beb9d43c4] (rid 193) by ben on 2023-09-09 09:37:01:

    1. icomment:
      VIP is a checkbox on /prog/ and /sol/ boards but it's the option "sage" in the email field in /mona/ like in classical anonymous textboards.
    2. login: "ben"
    3. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
    4. severity initialized to: "Minor"
    5. status initialized to: "Open"
    6. title initialized to: "Make VIP work in /mona/"
    7. type initialized to: "Feature_Request"
  2. Ticket change [d61d799850] (rid 198) by ben on 2023-09-09 10:03:49:

    1. icomment:
      fixed in [c19493c97a88c561](
    2. login: "ben"
    3. mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
    4. priority changed to: "Immediate"
    5. resolution changed to: "Fixed"
    6. status changed to: "Fixed"