
Check-in [5ffdf5dd20]
Comment:Use Shift-JIS font for text if installed
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SHA3-256: 5ffdf5dd20d7a3255e1b218f14abbfe86bae597640176d67b6b662588a169c2e
User & Date: zge on 2020-06-05 21:38:45
Other Links: branch diff | manifest | tags
Only generate "other" board when link matches regexp Fixes [ed8a04be6b] check-in: ae851a4d20 user: zge tags: master, trunk
Use Shift-JIS font for text if installed check-in: 5ffdf5dd20 user: zge tags: master, trunk
Fixed non-ASCII encoding issues check-in: 17bd3b2661 user: zge tags: master, trunk
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Modified sbbs.el from [cec4081882] to [47b32ff1b0].

    63     63     "Face for spoiler text in threads.")
    64     64   
    65     65   (defface sbbs--code-face
    66     66     '((((background light)) :background "gray89" :extend t)
    67     67       (((background dark)) :background "gray11" :extend t))
    68     68     "Face for code blocks in threads.")
    69     69   
           70  +(defface sbbs--variable-pitch
           71  +  (if (x-list-fonts "Mona-")
           72  +      '((nil :font "Mona"
           73  +             :inherit variable-pitch))
           74  +    '((nil :inherit variable-pitch)))
           75  +  "Face for code blocks in threads.")
           76  +
    70     77    ;; VARIABLES
    71     78   
    72     79   (defvar-local sbbs--board nil
    73     80     "Buffer local reference to current board.
    74     81   
    75     82   See `sbbs-make-board'.")
    76     83   
   259    266                                 (sbbs-view-open id range)))
   260    267                              ;; other thread
   261    268                              ((/= id sbbs--thread-id)
   262    269                               (let ((sbbs--board board))
   263    270                                 (sbbs-view-open id range)))
   264    271                              ;; this thread
   265    272                              (range (sbbs--limit-to-range range))))))
   266         -        (insert-button (propertize text  'face 'variable-pitch)
          273  +        (insert-button (propertize text  'face 'sbbs--variable-pitch)
   267    274                          'action func 'sbbs-ref range)))))
   268    275   
   269    276   (defun sbbs--insert-sxml-par (sxml)
   270    277     "Insert paragraph contents SXML at point."
   271    278     (dolist (it sxml)
   272    279       (cond ((stringp it)
   273         -           (insert (propertize it 'face 'variable-pitch)))
          280  +           (insert (propertize it 'face 'sbbs--variable-pitch)))
   274    281             ((eq (car it) 'br)
   275    282              (newline))
   276    283             ((eq (car it) 'b)
   277         -           (insert (propertize (cadr it) 'face '(bold variable-pitch))))
          284  +           (insert (propertize (cadr it) 'face '(bold sbbs--variable-pitch))))
   278    285             ((eq (car it) 'i)
   279         -           (insert (propertize (cadr it) 'face '(italic variable-pitch))))
          286  +           (insert (propertize (cadr it) 'face '(italic sbbs--variable-pitch))))
   280    287             ((eq (car it) 'code)
   281    288              (insert (propertize (cadr it) 'face 'fixed-pitch)))
   282    289             ((eq (car it) 'del)
   283    290              (insert (propertize (cadr it) 'face 'sbbs--spoiler-face)))
   284    291             ((eq (car it) 'a)
   285    292              (let* ((text (caddr it))
   286    293                     (link (plist-get (cadadr it) 'href)))
   384    391               (push (list (car thread)
   385    392                           (vector (substring (cdr (assq 'date (cdr thread)))
   386    393                                              0 16)
   387    394                                   (number-to-string
   388    395                                    (cdr (assq 'messages (cdr thread))))
   389    396                                   (propertize
   390    397                                    (cdr (assq 'headline (cdr thread)))
   391         -                                 'face 'variable-pitch)))
          398  +                                 'face 'sbbs--variable-pitch)))
   392    399                     ent))
   393    400             (setq-local tabulated-list-entries ent)
   394    401             (tabulated-list-print t t)
   395    402             (hl-line-highlight))))))
   396    403   
   397    404   (defun sbbs--thread-loader (status id buf range)
   398    405     "Callback function for `url-retrieve' when loading thread.