
Artifact [919f18e4d8]

Artifact 919f18e4d85cd4690238d66109800748a8f254e4fff29df2babf44d445f4de9c:

Wiki page [sbbs.el] by zge on 2020-05-29 08:09:03.
D 2020-05-29T08:09:03.321
L sbbs.el
N text/x-markdown
P 722a211b026f7f3b32e718dc2308d46d3871ccf7fc71b8a417b259418581c13c
U zge
W 1236
# sbbs.el #

`sbbs.el` is a SchemeBBS client in Emacs. It implements browsing the thread list, threads and creating responses.

All development (version control, issue tracking, documentation, etc.) is done in this [Fossil][fossil] repository.

`sbbs.el` is in the Public Domain, published under the ["CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication"][cc0] license.

# Quick Intro

`sbbs.el` is currently not part of any package repository (that we know of),
so it must be installed manually. The steps for this are:

1. Download the [sources][tarball] or [clone][fossil:clone]+[open][fossil:open] the repo.
2. Open `sbbs.el` and run `package-install-from-buffer`. 
3. Run `M-x sbbs` or `M-x sbbs-browse` (these two do the same), choose a board and start reading.

# See also

- Built-in [Ticket List](/rptview?rn=1) (feel free to contribute, you can log in anonymously)
- [How to Use?](wiki:usage)
- [How to Contribute?](wiki:contribute)

[tarball]: /tarball/sbbs.tar.gz
Z c2c3140da6ed66f4920db4d14296fe9a