
View Ticket
18:33 Fixed ticket [f0f62cfa26]: Add support for VIP replies plus 5 other changes artifact: ef2b9aba6c user: zge
08:29 New ticket [56f5ac1cc2] Add support for new /mona/ fields. artifact: f2ae27cff6 user: zge
16:44 New ticket [f0f62cfa26] Add support for VIP replies. artifact: 2768728782 user: phi

Ticket Hash: f0f62cfa26003d86ec8c1cdcfb65b46c2ff297b0
Title: Add support for VIP replies
Status: Fixed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2022-01-22 18:33:15
Version Found In: 0.1.0
User Comments:
phi added on 2020-05-28 16:44:33:
Currently, sbbs cannot create a "VIP" posts, neither as response or as OP.
The main problem is currently to find the proper UI for this to be implemented, the rest is trivial

zge added on 2022-01-22 18:33:15:
Implemented in [46949449f3f69fb0].