
View Ticket
11:42 Ticket [fb73fcbca1] Add command to close all buffers status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 2200728b81 user: zge
21:57 New ticket [fb73fcbca1]. artifact: 76b4273bde user: zge

Ticket Hash: fb73fcbca1016d60c162a685a3a587dbb807de9f
Title: Add command to close all buffers
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2020-06-21 11:42:41
Version Found In: 0.1.0
User Comments:
zge added on 2020-06-05 21:57:06:
Related to [812dd05990ab26898629526aa7e34bbace3c6e09].

The board view should have a command (preferably bound to 'Q') that kills all visible and invisible buffers, as well as still running background processes.

Perhaps a user option could be added to change the default behaviour of  quit-window ('q') to do the same, or just do it by default too.

zge added on 2020-06-21 11:42:41:
This should use quit-window-hook, with various local values depending on the major mode of the sbbs buffer.